Seller Strategies

Setting the Right Price: The price should be enticing enough to attract a broad pool of buyers but not so low that it undermines the value of your property. A strategic (and correct) price point can lead to offers, giving you the leverage to negotiate.

Closing Cost Assistance: Offering to cover a portion of the buyer's closing costs can be a significant incentive, especially for first-time buyers who may be struggling with the upfront expenses of purchasing a home. For example, you can offer them a credit toward their loan origination fees, or an interest rate buy-down option. . . .

  • Adding small concessions like these sweetens the deal for buyers and expedites a sale. For example, the seller can buy down the interest rate for their buyers. This can lower the monthly payments for the buyers. This can increase the odds that the seller will get their full asking price without needing to entertain a price reduction. This scenario would be most advantageous in the event that there are not any attractive cash offers on the table.

Home Warranties: Providing a home warranty can give buyers peace of mind, covering potential repairs or problems that might arise after the purchase, usually for no longer than one year after closing.

Prepaid Fees: If your property is in a community with homeowner association (HOA) fees, offering to cover these fees for a set period can be an attractive incentive.

Creating a Win-Win Situation

The goal of these strategies is to create a win-win situation where the seller achieves a desirable selling price while making the property more appealing to potential buyers. Simultaneously, offering buyer incentives can differentiate your property from others on the market, making it a more attractive option for buyers.

Work With Sara to Sell Your Home

Selling a home requires a strong approach. These strategies, when executed in the right scenarios, can lead to a faster sale and higher sale price, thus benefiting the seller.  Sara would be happy to discuss your real estate goals and tailor these strategies to you.

Need to speak to a pro? Contact Sara Wylder today.

Want more ideas? Check out my blogs to learn about some often overlooked home selling and home buying procedures.


My Take on Real Estate Commissions


Buyer Strategies